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I started writing this post saying “I never knew I need you so much”. lol… after reading it myself I felt  the whole post was too cheesy and decided to start all over again.  My weekdays start with a COFFEE. I’m not an addict (yes I’m not admitting I have a problem :P) and I only drink it once or twice a day.  But nowadays I started feeling as if it is a jumpstart for the day. Especially on Mondays when I hate leaving home, the only thought that keeps me driving is the freshly brewed coffee from starbucks/peet’s beans. When I’m having a bad day or when I’m angry at someone, a hot freshly brewed coffee really calms me down as well.  Too much caffeine is bad for you but there is nothing wrong w/ mild coffee right? I have many arguments like these with myself from time to time. I know people who take espresso shots on a daily basis. I can’t drink espressos, it is too strong for me. I also love the Bru coffee from ICH (Indian coffee house) and the regular thattukada. I remember watching Koffee with Karan. They start off the show showing coffee and steam (as if the aroma is spreading). Whenever I see that I crave for it and pause the show (you tube) and make one cup of coffee (usually bru). On weekends I have to cheat on coffee and drink Tea coz of my Mr. & few of my friends 😀 … It’s past lunch time I should probably go get some work done rather than sitting here babbling about my love affair with coffee.
